Meanwhile, I declare to go completely cashless and am determined not to trade or buy from businesses who do not accept payments by cheque, card or online.
While I was not sure about the cash that you received from me was going to be accounted by you in your business or not, I can not be relying on the two separate bill books that you keep for evading taxes .
So here's a shout out to all my vendors, grocery stores, vegetables, newspaper/pasti/bhangar, house maids and cooks, gardener and plumber, bakeries, medical store, doctors/hospitals, hotels, restaurants, fuel stations, salon and garment stores, rickshaw or travel agent, temples, ashrams and NGOs, if you are not accepting bank/digital payments, I AM NOT BUYING FROM YOU.
All my domestics aids if they need any help regarding filing their taxes/nil returns my able account team shall be available for their help at no extra cost.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!
PS: ભ'ઈ અડધી દાઢી થઇ ગઈ છે, બાકી અડધા માટે શીને અધવચ્ચે ઉભા થઇ જાઓ છો?
Meanwhile, I declare to go completely cashless and am determined not to trade or buy from businesses who do not accept payments by cheque, card or online. While I was not sure about the cash that you received from me was going to be accounted by you in your business or not, I can not be relying on the two separate bill books that you keep for evading taxes . So here's a shout out to all my vendors, grocery stores, vegetables, newspaper/pasti/bhangar, house maids and cooks, gardener and plumber, bakeries, medical store, doctors/hospitals, hotels, restaurants, fuel stations, salon and garment stores, rickshaw or travel agent, temples, ashrams and NGOs, if you are not accepting bank/digital payments, I AM NOT BUYING FROM YOU. All my domestics aids if they need any help regarding filing their taxes/nil returns my able account team shall be available for their help at no extra cost. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat! PS: ભ'ઈ અડધી દાઢી થઇ ગઈ છે, બાકી અડધા માટે શીને અધવચ્ચે ઉભા થઇ જાઓ છો?