This section at Crossword used to demo & sell Music;
now cut into more than half to sell Stationery.
Remember coming here to listen songs on the jukebox mounted on the columns whilst I did not have a pair of headphones then. Listening to music here was so cool!
#RIPCDs #TechnologyBypass #gaana #saavn #primevideo #Nostalgia
Shabana Shiraz Ruchi Sinha Singh Pratik Mehta Keyur Patel
This section at Crossword used to demo & sell Music; now cut into more than half to sell Stationery. Remember coming here to listen songs on the jukebox mounted on the columns whilst I did not have a pair of headphones then. Listening to music here was so cool! #RIPCDs #TechnologyBypass #gaana #saavn #primevideo #Nostalgia Shabana Shiraz Ruchi Sinha Singh Pratik Mehta Keyur Patel
Dec 29, 2016